Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category Connectivity

Discover tips and solutions for connecting your devices to car infotainment systems, from Bluetooth to Android Auto and Apple CarPlay for seamless integration.

Why Does my Android Auto Keep Disconnecting?

Why Does my Android Auto Keep Disconnecting

Is your Android Auto repeatedly dropping connection in your car? Frustrating disconnections during calls, music streaming, or navigation can create unsafe situations on the road. Let’s fix this efficiently by addressing common trigger points. The main culprits behind Android Auto…

How to Turn Off Android Auto?

How to Turn Off Android Auto?

Android Auto allows hands-free use of navigation, media, and communication apps while driving. However, you may wish to disable Android Auto if it causes distractions, automatically launches undesired, or if you prefer manual in-car controls. This comprehensive guide covers how…